You can tell that I'm busy by the lack of posts! Forgive me for not checking in for almost a month - the crazy schedule will lighten up in a little while, and then my fall routine can kick in. I keep telling myself there will be more time for updates then!
I've been whirling around ideas for a "Green Event" I'll be attending this weekend. I never really thought of myself as a green person, but it turns out some of my natural habits lend themselves well to earth-friendly practices. I use my old acid bath from metal working as a plant booster for the azaleas and rhododendrons in the yard, I melt down metal scraps to create interesting textures on pieces, and I'm a bit of a pack rat for certain things - trying to keep them for something other than obscurity, or worse, the landfill.
A glorified term might be... I'm a collector of nature's beauty, but let's call it what it is: I'm really more like a crow; collecting colorful, shapely, or shiny bits of things that catch my eye. I like my quirks, and lately I've harnessed that urge to save things with any hint of beauty or potential by creating something wearable out of it. Turns out that's a very "in" thing to do right now.
Here are a couple of artsy pendants I've made from beach glass around Lake Erie, and some sterling and gold scraps. I love how they turned out, and they'll be featured in my new "green line" this weekend. If you're near the flats this Saturday, I hope you'll stop by and say hello!